wisdom is encoded in beauty.

The language of everything can be understood though relationship.

The eye of the beholder

Images hold profound amounts of information, and they illicit deep responses in the individual and collective body and psyche. They are portals through which the universe reveals its wisdom, and mirrors clues of the nature of the beholder.

In the years of my journey, I have been collecting images that have shown me much about life, death, beauty, what I’ve been tracking, perhaps what I have been running from, and my mythopoetic nature.

All the images in this website* and in this gallery come from a larger collection from my wanderings. I’m sharing them in hopes that you might be inspired to open your eyes and heart, let the world happen to you, pay attention, wonder, praise, fill the world with curiosity and gratitude, and perhaps in doing so, track your wild soul in its native habitat.

*with the exception of the dragonfly and total eclipse.