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Sleep hygiene and insomnia
This resource is for those who either suffer from insomnia and want deeper, more nourishing sleep, and/or those who want to dive into their dreams, but have a hard time harvesting remembering them. This includes sleep hygiene, how to approach bedtime, and what to consider if you suffer from insomnia.
soul work reading list
Coming soon.
My approach to dream work
In this piece I explore what’s in a dream and how we explore the dream in the dream tending process.
Seeding your dreams
One of the most common questions I get regarding dreams is “What do I do if I don’t dream/remember my dreams?” If we sleep, we dream. There is much to say on why we don’t remember our dreams, and most comes down to our internal resistance to dreaming and what’s hidden in them. Here are some tips to help seed our dream field.
upon waking from a dream
There is a fleeting yet pregnant space between sleep and waking that is rich with possibility, where the harvest of the night world can be brought into the day world. Here we explore how you might approach your waking to help maximize your dream work and bring greater coherence between the night and day worlds.
Parts Work reading list
Coming soon.
The Dream Journal
One of the most important ways to track your dreams and to foster a relationship with your inner world, is through the process of maintaining a dream journal. In this written piece I explore what you might include in a dream journal, how you might structure it, how to write it for future dream work.
Resistance in the Dream and in dream work
Our fragmented, sculpted, acculturated, wound oriented, and assimilative ego has a vested interest in maintaining its rigid self-care structure, to keep us safe from re-experiencing past pains, and help us survive socially. But this ego is too small for the enormity of soul’s vision. The ego will resist any real change, and this resistance shows up in dreams and in dream work. This piece attempts to reveal some of our ego’s most common forms of resistance to material that is challenging or dangerous to its cohesion.
Solo personal Dream Work
This resource gives some suggestions on what to do or how to be with a dream in order to amplify its power, and receive the most from them. These are basic level suggestions to try on your own, and if you work with me, then how to best prepare for a dream work session.
Dream work Reading list
Far from comprehensive, I have compiled this reading list of books and articles that I have found helpful in understanding dreams and exploring dream work. I am aware that most of these resources have been written by white men, and I am looking for other quality resources written or compiled by non-dominant identities that I can also stand behind.
Psychological and Spiritual Alchemy reading list
I am a psychological or mystical alchemist. The roots of alchemy go back as far as written history, and can be found in almost every tradition. And while this is often a heady way to view healing, transformation and the evolution of consciousness, it is far from it when it includes the body and our lived experience. The cosmos is constantly courting us into something remarkable, astounding, and nothing like what we might project onto it.